In my opinion the law is a good thing to have. Without law there is no order. People could decide what they want when they want without the law and justice system. Some people have an issue with the law but in all reality it could protect them from a devastating situation. I don’t have too much of an opinion on the law. I just follow it. I don’t like to get in trouble and as long and I follow the law I feel like it will be in my favor. I believe that it was made to be on my side and help me in difficult situations. If it doesn’t then I will get an attorney to help me defend myself properly. I’ve done some research dealing with the law and the justice system and so far I agree with how it is working. Some people might have issues with the way things are set up. Although you will most likely find that a part of their life deals with that law in a negative way. As I said I am a fan of the law but like myself I feel like people need to be more educated about it.
Coriandra’s blog about her opinion about the law is a lot like my own. We agree on a lot of things such as if there was no such thing as the law, order would not exist, the law is meant to be fair to the public, and that more people need to be educated about the country’s laws and judiciary system. It was very well written and worded the right way, and I can tell she took a lot of time on it. It draws the reader in and provides good points. I think it could be improved by making it a little bit longer and giving more background and detail about specific laws, but overall, it was a good blog.